Saturday, 9 March 2013

6. Preface of Semester 1, 2013

Semester has commenced and I'll be taking on three 3rd year subject and one 2nd year subject; CVEN2301: Mechanics of Solids, CVEN3201: Applied Geotechnics and Engineering Geology, CVEN3401: Sustainable Transport and Highway Engineering and CVEN3501: Water Resources Engineering.

First week back was mild. The introductory routine was made for each course, thankfully they were all brief which meant that we could promptly start the course content in the first lecture(s). Solids was just revision of centroids and second moment of area from CVEN1300. There are many small assessments in this course which helps you keep on track throughout the entire semester which include four quizzes, a midsem and finals. Moving onto 3201, the course is split into two parts, Geology and Geotechnics. The first six weeks is spent on geology so first week involved revision of high school geography - plate tectonics and the rock cycle, nothing too straining. Similarly, water resources is also very theoretical first week, focused mostly on the water cycle. Highlight of the week was definitely transport. Our lecturer, Travis Waller is excellent. He's American, quirky and makes traffic interesting with his real-life examples. Noting that, I have considered looking into Transport as my major, this was my first taste of the sweet journey (down the road). This course is split into three sections, Traffic, Road Design and Pavement Design. There are only three assignments throughout the semester so I definitely look forward to those.

Overall, my first week back was quite pleasant and we shall see how everything pans out as we move along the semester.

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