Friday, 10 May 2013

10. The Hop Signage (Transport for New South Wales)

Most Sydney-siders like myself have probably heard of the major upcoming transition of the Railcorp entity. As of the 1st July 2013, the infamous Cityrail becomes Sydney Trains and NSW Trains. The Cityrail brand will no longer exist, being replaced with new 'Hop' signages, Sydney Trains logos and uniforms.

It seems like the new 'hop signage' are starting to emerge at Milsons Point. The new signage distinguishes modes of transport into different colours while keeping the same standard across the network. Going back to basics, T is for Train, F for Ferry, B for Bus and L for Light Rail. This naming system provides consistency which is a good 'sign' for commuters.


According to many news reports and commuters, the members of the Sydney community are hesitant about the re-branding and doubtful this will change the efficiency of transport services. But I believe that when rebranding an entire entity, the initial superficial stage is appropriate. Stepping away from the negative connotations that Cityrail has earnt itself over the past decade is the first step to improvement. So far, I'm impressed at how modern and clean the new signs are so here's hoping that our transport services follow suit.

All photos courtesy of Beau Giles

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