In a society with such an abundant and diverse pool of occupations, we are constantly being asked about our careers and the choices we make for that career. From a young age, we aspire to be someone great; to be recognised for our actions. And though the decisions we make then don't affect us directly, we essentially pave the way to our future profession whether it be through the hobbies we develop or finding tasks we excel at.
I wasn't someone who knew from the get go what I wanted to do with my life. At times I envied those who identified their 'calling' at an early age because they were able to work towards their goal while I was still searching. During my high school life, I would pick careers that sounded cool or jobs that rumoured to pay well. I was naive, young and not well acquainted with career prospects. I would constantly be unsatisfied with my choice as none of the professions I chose truly interested me.
Coming from an all girl school, I was never exposed to engineering. It was rarely talked about as it was a 'male dominated' profession (which is something I want to address in a later blog post). I knew very little what an engineer did.
As a result of my uncertainty, I chose to pursue a profession in the business sector as I believed it would be a 'safe' option. I began my university life meeting so many people from various degrees. Listening to their stories really opened my eyes. In particular, I became good friends with an Engineering Student Ambassador. Soon after, I found myself sitting in on his Construction lectures in my breaks which I found more interesting than my accounting classes. The more I exposed myself to engineering, the more I realised that this was it - my 'calling'. Needless to say, I felt a huge sense of relief, a huge burden off my shoulders was lifted. This is where my journey as a civil engineer began.
Since settling into my civil engineering degree, I have been thankful everyday for the change I made and now that I've come to terms with what I do, I want to share my experiences with other students out there that are interested in pursuing engineering or even for current engineering students who enjoy a good read. From here on in, I will be posting anything civil related that tickles my fancy and I hope that I can provide an inside eye to what civil engineering is all about.
And hopefully one day, I'll make a kickass engineer!
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