It's an amazing opportunity to interact with your peers whilst spreading the engineering love to young ones that are just looking for some guidance. I have a few friends that are a part of this scheme and they tell me it's a rewarding experience. It involves appearing at a few events each year such as UNSW O-week and travelling to a few high schools, sprinkling engineering dust wherever you go. Of course, everyone wonders about the pay. I am unable to disclose the exact pay rate but let's just say, there won't be any complaints. Not to mention it looks great on your resume.
I had a browse through the application form. Let's just say, it's not a form for the weak-minded. It includes many pitstops: Personal Information, UNSW Educational Information, High School Educational Information, Personal Statement which includes six questions, Contact details of referee, a copy of your Academic Transcript and Resume (optional). Most of it is relatively easy to fill out, the only section that may require some thought is the Personal Statement section. These questions are pretty generic for an engineering-related application form and after filling out a few of these, you'll realise that.
Why did you choose to study engineering at UNSW? Why did you select your program? How are you involved in UNSW Community Life? Have you previously undertaken a leadership/advisory role? If so, please provide details. Please give an example when you have demonstrated excellent customer service skills. What makes you a suitable candidate for this role?
Answering these questions not only brings you one step closer to this job but it allows you to reflect on yourself and the choices you make/have made. For example, if some of the questions stumped you, it may be a wake-up call to be more proactive so the next time you come across a similar question, you will take it - head on.

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